macworld 2012, Visual Note-Taking with the iPad

Yes, I just spent the past week at macworld|iworld 2012 and after a two-year break from my previous macworlds and my first participation as a presenter I can say that my mind is fully blown. I created a website for my presentation and play to post the full slide show REAL SOON NOW. You can catch the updates at

In the meantime, one of the more interesting presentation that I attended was by Rachel Smith, called: Visual Note-Taking with the iPad. At first I was thinking that this was a giant step backward in terms of using the iPad to create notes that weren’t really searchable. Ack. But this also reminded me of the recent whiteboard videos where an artist takes a talk and creates a real-time info-graphic of the talk (a la Dan Pink’s video on Drive). This also reminded me of a friend who used poster-board graphics to improve student literacy (something called Project Glad, back in the day). Check out Smith’s video: